Gigi Amateau
A sequel to Chancey of the Maury River, this heart-tugging story focuses on Macadoo—the gentle giant of the Maury River Stables. When Macadoo is just a colt, he challenges his father—a huge Belgian stallion—in order to protect his dam. From that moment on, Mac knows that his purpose in life is to help others. From surviving a kill auction to learning how to be a vaulting horse to giving therapeutic riding lessons, Mac is always
...Handsome but headstrong, a retired racehorse finds a second chance in this affecting, fast-paced novel told straight from the horse's mouth.
When Dante's Inferno is born early, on a February night, there are already great expectations for him. He may be the grandson of the greatest racehorse in modern times, but Dante's start proves a rough one, both in life and on the track. When Dante fails as a racehorse, he ends up at a Thoroughbred
...6) Two for Joy
When an adored—and very independent—aunt suffers a fall and comes to live with them, Jenna and her mom discover what makes a family bond unbreakable.
Eight-year-old Jenna is dreaming of playing Olympic soccer when the phone call wakes her. Great-Great Aunt Tannie has broken her ankle, and Jenna's worried mom decides Tannie should move in with them. Tannie is no delicate old lady—she does heavy chores on her Virginia