Tish Rabe
A trip underground in the Thinga-ma-jigger is undertaken, and sure enough, the maple tree needs water (which Things One and Two procure in ridiculous overabundance) and sun (which the Cat suppliments with a Brighta-ma-lighter)....
The Cat in the Hat goes on a hairy adventure in this leveled reader for independent readers all about—what else?—hair! It's Crazy Hair Day at Sally and Nick's school, and the kids can't pick a style to wear. Curly or straight? Long or short? It's too hard to choose—until the Cat in the Hat arrives with his Wig-o-lator—a machine that allows the kids to "try on" the hairstyles of a yak, a fur seal, and a porcupine, with comical
...“You see, weather keeps changing, but one thing we know. It makes life exciting wherever you go.”
The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes, and Seussian illustrations...
11) Now You See Me
Hide-and-seek is a great game, but Nick always finds where Sally is hiding. And that's no fun! Enter the Cat in the Hat. His friend Gecko is an expert at hiding. Maybe Gecko can share some tips with the kids? So off they go to the jungle, where Gecko teaches them how to hide in plain sight—using camouflage! Kids won't be able to hide their delight in this rhymed Step 2 book based on an episode from the hit PBS Kids TV show The Cat in the
...It’s Halloween, and the Cat in the Hat is taking Sally and Nick on a trip to find costumes. But when they encounter a colony of tiny cave bats, they are in for a fright—until they learn that most bats are harmless and nothing to be afraid of! Based on the PBS Kids Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Halloween!...
“I’m the Cat in the Hat, and I’m glad that I found you. Right now, if you look, you’ll see insects around you.”
The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes,...
“I’m the Cat in the Hat here to share some good news. From the tips of your hair to the toes in your shoes.”
The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes, and Seussian...
In Thump! (the first of two stories in this Deluxe "2 in 1" Book), the Cat and Co. learn how rabbits communicate warnings to each other by thumping their feet on the ground, and in The Lost Egg, when Sally and Nick find a strange egg in the nest of a bowerbird, they discover not only that birds lay different kinds of eggs in...
16) Night Lights
Sally and Nick are making shadow shapes when the batteries in their flashlight conk out. Luckily, the Cat knows where they can get some light: from his friend Shimmer, a firefly! But it turns out that Shimmer needs some help of her own: her friend Glimmer is...
“Here where the waves crash in bubbles of foam, you’ll meet lots of creatures who call the beach home.”
The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes, and Seussian...
“Butterflies are surprising and beautiful things as they soar through the air on their bright-colored wings.”
The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging...