Catharina Valckx
One day Lisette finds a pretty green sock. She's delighted, until some bullies begin to tease her: socks should come in pairs; what use is one sock?
Lisette searches and searches, but she cannot find the sock's missing mate. Fortunately, her friend Bert helps her see the situation in a new way. And together they come upon the perfect solution in this ingenious story about how socks, like friends, are always best in pairs.
A springtime fresh picture book about a good day out with friends- climbing mountains, swimming and singing- and the difference between storytelling and lies.
Lisette and her friend Bobbi the lizard have never told a lie. But, they are eager to try-it might be fun! They tell Popof they are going for a trip to the mountains. When Popof decides to come too, they realize they'll have to make the mountain. A liar needs to improvise.
In this funny story...