Richard S Wheeler
5) Stop
From the very beginning, Sam Stop was an enigma to the people living in Pony, Montana. Stop didn't look like a banker, dress like a banker, or act like a banker. So, while there were some initial suspicions about Stop's background, people came to respect and then trust the reclusive founder of Pony's local bank. Soon the bank became the main depository for the assets of the Pony Consolidated Mining Company. Then one day everything begins to change.
...6) Virgin River
7) Snowbound
9) Winter Grass
The 1886 Montana drought, followed by a hard winter, forces ranchers to pay the price of overgrazing. Texas fever, foreign investors, and strong-arm cattlemens associations all mount up against Quin utnam, when, under the law, he runs strings of barbed wire along two sides of his range.
10) Going Home
15) Downriver
16) The Deliverance
17) North Star
18) The Fire Arrow
19) Montana Hitch
From the moment Abner Dent spotted Eve in a Maiden dance hall, he knew he wanted her for his wife. He promised her everything and kept his word. He built her the finest white house in Judith basin and ordered the finest furnishings.
But suddenly--so it seemed to Abner--everything was falling into ruin. He was living in a mansion he could barely afford with an unhappy bride. Someone was stealing his calves and others were stealing the market for
...20) Badlands
Candace enters the Badlands on a scientific expedition. Young, beautiful and in love with knowledge, she is there to study early man and prehistoric fossils. But what begins with the purest of motives will end in a nightmare of violence and lust. For the men accompanying her are there to plunder the Sioux Nation, to steal their treasures, deface their sacred places, and to rob them of their holiest relics. Now hell itself is loose in the Badlands,