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Appendix (no. 1): An essay on slavery, proving from Scripture its inconsistency with humanity and religion / by Granville Sharp, "with an introductory preface, " (by a gentleman of the law, in West Jersey) "containing the sentiments of the monthly reviewers on a tract, by the Rev. T. Thompson, in favour of the slave trade." --
Appendix (no. 2). Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Maryland, to his friend in London --
Appendix (no. 3). A letter from Granville Sharp, to Jacob Bryant, Esq; concerning the descent of the Negroes --
Appendix (no. 4). Mr. Bryant's answer to the foregoing letter --
Appendix (no. 5). The regulations lately adopted by the Spaniards, at the Havanna, and some other places, for the gradual enfranchisement of slaves, are to the following effect --
Appendix (no. 6). Extract of a letter from the author, to a gentleman at Philadelphia --
Appendix (no. 7). Extract from Mr. Morgan's book, intituled, "A plan for the abolition of slavery, in the West Indies" --
Appendix (no 8). A copy of what "is said to be the substance of Lord Mansfield's speech in the case of Somerset and Knowles" --
Appendix (no. 9). Remarks on the judgment of the Court of King's Bench, in the case of Stewart and Somerset / by Granville Sharp --
Appendix (no. 10). Case, Prerogative Court, May 11th, 1773. Cay and Crighton --
Appendix (no. 11). High Court of Admiralty, before Sir Geo. Hay, Knt. L.L.D. June, 29, 1776 --
Appendix (no. 12). From the General evening post, no. 6033. June 13th, 1772.