Tracks / Sherman Alexie --
Midsummer on the west side / Luther Allen --
My story begins / Patients and families at Seattle Children's Hospital and Elizabeth Austen --
Tell me about the trees / Terry Bain --
Freewheeling / Julie Baldock --
Camano Island / Akesha Baron --
LUCKY / Dawn Pichón Barron --
Dear Bigfoot / James Bertolino --
The hive at Kew Gardens, 2016 / Linda Bierds --
Each answer I answer to / Jennifer Boyden --
As wild geese gather / Anita Boyle --
Where were you when the mountain blew? / Allen Braden --
Coming summer / E. Hank Buchmann --
Albrecht Durer moves to Ilwaco, Washington / Catherine Bull --
Claude Levi-Strauss paces the beach at Point Whitehorn, Washington / Jennifer Bullis --
Arriving at Mutiny Bay, October 19, 2013 / D.S. Butterworth --
Anacortes fish wife / Becky Carlson --
Poem in the presidentiad / Bill Carty --
Here is where we are / Claudia Castro Luna --
The girl who wore cedar / Joanne Clarkson --
Washaway beach / Kevin Craft --
Sonnet Yakima Canyon / Mary Eliza Crane --
In memory / Michael Daley --
Autumn on Oyster Bay / LLyn De Danaan --
Four sonnets for the Elwha / Alice Derry --
Coal train / Pat Dixon --
Yard Work / Rachel Eggers --
Interurban trail berry pickers / Lynne Ellis --
Thirteen ways of looking at a map of Fort Warden / Susan J. Erickson --
Lament / Laura Falsetti --
Drying blood / Leija Farr --
Recital in B reactor / Kathleen Flenniken --
The story of my cousin's lazy eye (Thanks to Roberto Avila Beltran) / Mark J. Fuzie --
Seattle: The crane / Cate Gable --
Deer Path Enigma / Tess Gallagher --
Oyster master class / Laura Gamache --
A ballad for the unclaimed ones / Angel Gardner --
Driving home from Spokane / Carolyn Gilman --
Cold nights / Sierra Golden --
Because it is Waiilatpu / Lenora Rain-Lee Good --
Boy on the beach / Joseph Green --
Belle de Boskoop / Samuel Green --
Stares like pins / Jasleena Grewal --
Postcard, January 1922 / Robert Hasselblad --
Via Negativa / Irene Hayes --
On inviting Wendell Berry to Orting / Merna Ann Hecht --
Sounding / Christine Hemp --
Pioneer Square pile driver / Rebecca Hoogs --
A so-called respite / Christopher Howell --
Women glean apples in Wapato / Penny K. Johnson --
Our glass can / Isamu Jordan --
And more Vivalding / Richard Kenney --
The bee dancer / Larry Kerschner --
At the Ballard Locks fish ladder / Rachel Kessler --
Olympic Harvest a haiku sequence / Jason Kirk --
Psalms from the Palouse / Shelley Kirk-Rudeen --
Maple grove / Laurie Klein --
Slough Music / J.I. Kleinberg --
Elders rage at the Water Spirits after a shootout / Robert Lashley --
Landscape with no net loss / Jenifer Browne Lawrence --
Walla Walla sweets / Eric Lochridge --
Nisqually Delta / Priscilla Long --
From GHOST TOWN, USA Mill Plain Blvd. & Andresen Rd. 2/28/09 / Christopher Luna --
Mt Rainer / Vikram Madan --
Dungeness Valley / Ruth Marcus --
In every ripe, ready thing / Terry Martin --
The mountain / Georgia S. McDade --
52-Blue / Heather McHugh --
Where the sun goes once it sets / Ross McMeekin --
Starting late in the afternoon / Maureen McQuerry --
Ozette Beach / Catherine Alice Michaelis --
About George / Kevin Miller --
Haplotype / Maria Rosa Mills --
Spokane / Karen Mobley --
A ghost minority / Daniel Edward Moore --
(Untitled) / Elizabeth Myhr --
Dear Mr. Cooke / Arlene Naganawa --
How to run about the cliffs / Shankar Narayan --
97. Clues from Hell / Paul Nelson --
Influence / Sierra Nelson --
Sleeping woman / Duane Niatum --
Searching for the true name of the Douglas fir / Sheila Nickerson --
Run out of stock / Courtney Oldwyn --
Another Angle / Kristen Orlando --
Marine Science center, Port Townsend / Shin Yu Pai --
May 18, 1980 / Carl Palmer --
On the Chehalis River / Lucia Perillo --
For Li Po / Paul Piper --
Communion / Anna Quinn --
Coroner's report / Ben Read --
Colonel George Wright shot 800 horses here / Laura Read --
The things we carry now / Philip H. Red Eagle --
This is why the relationship might work / Susan Rich --
Palouse Falls / Katrina Roberts --
Stick Indians / Tom Robbins --
Attenuation / Janette Lyn Rosebrook --
Lucid Ruse / Rob Schlegel --
Solstice song, Stevens County 2016 / Lynn Rigney Schott --
A catalogue of things given up / Betty Scott --
What we hold on to / Heidi Seaborn --
Blast and surge / Derek Sheffield --
At the Bybee Farms U-pick, North Bend, Washington/ Martha Silano --
Your scars / Judith Skillman --
Legends say / Kathryn Smith --
What remains / Ed Stover --
Legacy / George Thomas --
Drinking beer at the Goldendale demolition derby / Joanna Thomas --
Point Hudson light / Sallie Tierney --
Bold / Anastacia-Renee Tolbert --
Smallpox first came to the Pacific Northwest in 1770 / John Whittier Treat --
Memorial / Emily Van Kley --
Ahem / Nance Van Winckel --
Precipitate / Connie Walle --
Rain into river / Michael Dylan Welch and Tanya McDonald --
Masters of condescension / Ellen Welcker --
Naked people I have known #34 / John Whalen --
Winter Saturday / Katharine Whitcomb --
Great Uncle Erwin / Bill Yake --
Oregon mist / Judith Yarrow --
(Untitled) / Maged Zaher --
The doctor asks her to describe it / Maya Jewell Zeller.